We are an exceptionally responsive economic consulting firm specializing in litigation support for cases of personal injury and fatal accidents, and we provide a cost effective alternative to larger firms.
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Recent Change to Ontario's Prescribed Discount Rate
September 2013
An amendment was made to Rule 53.09 of the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure with respect to the calculation of Ontario's discount rate.
As of January 1, 2014 the discount rate for the first 15 years has been amended to 0.3% and the rate for periods after 15 years remains the same at 2.5%. As a comparison, the discount rate for the first 15 years in 2013 was -0.5%.
The new formula will cause present value awards to be lower.
For additional information, please contact us.
economic loss reports
Economic losses may include estimates of past and future income loss for regular employment and self-employment, present value of loss of household services, present value of future cost of care plans, present value of long-term disability benefits, and income replacement benefit calculations.
expert witness
We have testified in Ontario Superior Court on numerous occasions. Through these experiences we have learned how to ensure that our testimony is helpful to the court.
quality service
We are leaders in economic loss analysis and quantitative research, delivering comprehensive and specialized solutions for clients involved in litigation. We provide economic loss analyses based on generally accepted methodologies and factually appropriate economic data. We deliver our opinions in timely, clearly written, carefully prepared reports that stand up to the scrutiny of opposing experts and in cross-examination.